The eStudy Program
Family Solutions’ eStudy Program offers you access to the full array of FSI study material and practice exams on the screen of your choice. Unlimited access, 90 day subscriptions give you access to AMFTRB practice exams in either a learning or testing mode. Your test results are compiled in cumulative, Personalized Progress Report that highlights your strengths and weaknesses, pointing you towards where you need to further study. The eStudy Program is developed to the current AMFTRB test criteria and is written to the current 74 Knowledge and 6 Practice Domains including the DSM-5 and Crisis Management.
The eStudy Program includes: a digitial version of FSI’s 600+ page Study Guide, Virtual Workshop PowerPoint, eStudy Workbook, 100/200 and a new 180 Question Interactive & Randomized Practice Exams that profile MFT models and content areas you need to study, MFT Model Audio Review, Model Worksheets, Model Comparison Chart, Concept Glossary and Flashcards, all designed to prepare candidates for AMFTRB National MFT Licensing Examination. All components are available on all smartphones, tablets and computers with Internet access. Special Accommodation exams are available with verification from AMFTRB or your university MFT Program. Your eStudy Program 90-day subscription begins upon purchase unless you contact us directly and ask to park your subscription to use at a later time.
Be sure to explore the various bundled study packages offered by FSI at significant savings as well as our Virtual Workshop Series.
If you have previously purchased the full eStudy Program or the Intensive eStudy Program, email us for a 50% off coupon when you resubscribe.