The idea for MFT National Exam preparation resources began in 1992. At that time we received many requests from our MFT students who were sitting for the newly instituted Massachusetts licensing exam. Our students wanted to know what content we thought they should focus on and which articles and texts would be most relevant.
Some instructors suggested rereading text books and class notes, on the assumption that the exam MUST simply test what we all were teaching. We were not so sure, and after some time researching the exam content through our contacts at the Association for Marriage & Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB, the originator of the nationwide exam) we did obtain the best publicly available information about the MFT exam content. It was not simply a reworking of standard surveys of the field. More information about the exact exam content is available in the Resource Center and at AMFTRB‘s site.
Back in 1994, it came to our attention that there were no comprehensive study materials or courses for preparing for the AMFTRB National Licensing exam on a national level. As a result of many requests and conversations with both exam candidates and AMFTRB members, we have expanded our materials and made them and the Family Solutions’ Workshops available nationally. Over the past 27 years we have been continuously refining our materials to create what we feel our the most comprehensive and relevant study materials available today for this exam. To date, we have successfully helped over 59,000 MFT’s obtain licensure across the country. Our 10-Module, 11 hour Virtual Workshop Series was developed to compliment our Study Guide to lay down the foundation of MFT systems theory and all the models of MFT along with specific tips to both study effectively and how to pass this very difficult exam.
The original study packet and workshop were designed based upon this information, integrated with the understanding of the field of MFT we had achieved after numerous years of teaching. These original materials have evolved considerably over the years as the exam has evolved and as our understanding of it has increased. We continue to update the Study Guide as well as our other materials as the exam changes. New practice questions are added constantly as we strive to maintain our high standard of materials and individualized feedback and support as you prepare for your exam.
FSI is committed to achieving the best possible understanding of the exam and of the expectations the AMFTRB has of examinees. To do this, FSI attends all public AMFTRB meetings, follows closely all of it’s publications and does original research into examinees’ preparation experiences. This information translates directly into well-focused and efficient preparation materials for our students. The test has once again changed and is now offered on . Exam Candidates who have purchased our new 2015 Edition of the Study Guide, Home Study Program or Intensive Track can stay current with the newly added 74 Knowledge Domains through FSI’s eStudy Program. You may want consider our bundled Home Study Program or Intensive Track for significant savings.
FSI now offers our new , 600+ page (approximate) 6th Edition of our Study Guide, two-day Intensive Preparation Workshops in many locations around the country, and our new Family Solutions eStudy component where you can subscribe to our resources from an Internet connection. We also offer numerous other resources including an MFT model audio review, simulated practice exams, MFT model outlines, flash cards, and glossaries. FSI faculty are also available for personalized coaching as your ready yourself to take the exam.
Our eStudy Program is every expanding with our new Virtual Workshop adding 11 hours of didactic teaching which allows you to attend one of our nationally recognized workshops from the comfort of your laptop or tablet. Digital versions of all our hard copy study materials and practice exams are all accessible with 90 day, unlimited access subscriptions.
Unique to FSI is our Personalized Exam Readiness Reports that highlight your specific strengths and weaknesses across all the MFT models, the 74 Knowledge Domains, 6 Practice Domains and types of questions. These reports compare you both against your previous practice exam attempts as well against others taking the same practice exam on our eStudy Program. This feedback allows you to go into FSI’s eStudy Workbook and focus specifically on content that you are having difficulty with while accessing questions in a learning rather than testing mode that gives you immediate feedback.
Many COAMFTE and CACREP accredited MFT Graduate Programs utilize both our Study Guide and eStudy Program throughout their courses of study. Be sure to check to see if your program has an alumnae bundle available at substantial discounts.
The Study Guide was created for the purpose of collecting and organizing the information you need, succinctly. Our goal was to save exam candidates many hours of searching for MFT materials, and to save guesswork about which content to review. In 2015, the Study Guide was edited to include the DSM-5 and Crisis Management and the current 74 Knowledge Domains. As a complement to the Study Guide, live and virtual workshops were developed to provide:
- face-to-face, supportive review of the field of Marriage and Family Systems
- an opportunity to develop the necessary skills needed to deconstruct the various models and to then compare and contrast them, and apply them to clinical situations
- a detailed review of standardized test construction
- practice in understanding and answering exam-style questions
Test taking and anxiety relieving strategies are also addressed in the Workshop. We at Family Solutions Institute appreciate your interest in our MFT Licensure Preparation Program and look forward to working together. Individual tutoring and live video study groups are also available.
Never hesitate to call me directly and I’ll be happy to answer your questions.