Crisis Management: Practice Exam with Discussions

PRICE: $50.00

Scope of this course: Crisis Management – Practice Domain #5, AMFTRB national MFT exam preparation. The purpose of this course is to help you prepare for the Crisis Management section (Practice Domain Area 5 and all of its subdomains) of the AMFTRB ( national exam for licensing MFT’s in the US.
The text of the course will provide background in family systems ideas about crisis and emergencies, and compare those to other ideas in mainstream psychology, both of which will be tested on your exam. In addition, prevalent models and approaches to common emergency and crisis situations will be reviewed.
A bank of 25 MFT exam-style multiple choice vignette questions will also be provided. These questions all come with discussions, and will provide you with the reasoning about why one answer is considered correct, and why each of the others is consider not correct.