The following FSI exams and study materials are available for purchase by Marriage and Family Therapy instructors and educational institutions:
- Practice Exams (tailored to your course objectives)
- Individual, section and course progress reports
- Virtual Workshop (11 hours of didactic teaching)
- The Study Guide (hard copy or digital)
- MFT Models Worksheets
- MFT Glossary
- MFT Comparison Chart
- eStudy Access for your students
- Flash Cards
- MFT Audio Review CDs
- Statistical data for use in COAMFTE reports
- Discounted pricing for students and alumnae
For more information, contact Rob Guise at (888)583-3388
Many COAMFTE and CACREP accredited MFT programs have begun to integrate the Family Solutions’ Study Guide as a primary text in their Foundation classes as well as their Advanced Theories courses as the Study Guide offers an extremely comprehensive overview of the MFT field while at the same time providing students with the means after graduating, to prepare accurately for their upcoming National AMFTRB National MFT Licensing Exam.
FSI will tailor our AMFTRB preparation resources to the particulars of your MFT Program. Course instructors are able to create their own unique courses as they integrate Family Solutions’ content into their syllabus. Utilizing FSI’s Virtual Workshop and/or practice exams, FSI content can be finely tuned to meet the specific content or emphasis that mirrors or compliments your MFT Masters or Doctorate programs.
FSI’s educational materials were developed carefully over the past 27 years by closely following the evolution in the MFT License exam. This is an ongoing process resulting in new exam questions and continuously revised study materials. To be sure our information is as current and accurate as possible, we draw upon published reports of the AMFTRB, conversations with AMFTRB board members, AMFTRB public meetings, conversations with test item contributors, review of our exams and other materials by test item contributors, and 27 years of on-going research with clinicians who have taken the exam.
For example, FSI compares published reports of Knowledge Domain weightings with actual weightings reported by examinees, during each exam cycle. FSI also surveys examinees’ preparation strategies and compares these with pass rates, including the pass rates generated by those using FSI’s own Workshops and materials.
We can provide you with well focused exams and study materials for your students, and we can keep you informed about exam changes so you will always be giving your students the most current and accurate information. FSI can tailor a Comprehensive Examination to the particular needs of your program. Exams can be created with fixed or randomly assembled questions across MFT Models and Knowledge Domain ratios that mirror your program or the actual AMFTRB exam.
When you utilize FSI exams, our eStudy site scores and provides a Personalized Readiness Profile for each student. FSI enters your students’ exam answers into our unique reports for each student and for classes/instructors. These reports measure a students progress against others taking the same exams and guide students to areas where remediation is needed. Student reports emphasize a students degree of comprehension across the following 5 dimensions:
- Right or wrong (detailed rationale is offered with each question)
- Knowledge Domain tested (74 AMFTRB Knowledge Domains)
- Practice Domain tested (6 Practice Domains)
- MFT Model tested (primary 18 MFT Models including the Generic Model of MFT)
- Type of question tested (straight, comparison, exception and comparison-exception)
Our online materials can be made available to your students as they prepare for the upcoming licensing examination or even your program’s Comprehensive Examination. FSI’s eStudy Program has integrated the key components of our study materials into a user friendly, media-rich environment that offers extensive feedback for students while utilizing a multi-media approach to learning. We offer a 11 hours of our Virtual Workshop which can be integrated into your course work