Welcome to Family Solutions’ Personalized Coaching

FSI’s Personalized Study Coaching is currently offered on an individual basis. These sessions take place online in a real time coaching session with FSI founder, Rob Guise, using FSI’s internal web conferencing app, Skype or Zoom. These individual coaching sessions focus on fine tuning your personal preparation status and unique strengths and weaknesses in exam taking skills and helping you shift your systemic perspective just enough to pass this very linear examination.

What we can do to help you:

We usually divide the coaching process into two main parts equivalent to our workshop design.

   1)   Content

   2)  Test-taking skills.

For content, specific questions or “blind” spots about the models and model-comparisons are often very valuable to discuss, as well as important special topics. Over the years, FSI has developed brief concept statements about each model, that can serve to trigger memory of the major concepts of each, and we can go through those as well.

For skills, our goal is to help you develop a disciplined approach to every exam question so you know exactly what you’re being asked (deconstructing the question) and also know exactly what each alternative answer is saying (constructing an answer). Misunderstanding questions or getting approximate but not specific ideas about what each question is asking, is a common cause of losing points for people who know the content.

We also work with testing anxiety, time management and self care prior to and during the exam.

Individual coaching sessions are planned for 50 minutes each, although a few minutes more if needed is always fine. Individual sessions do not require any minimum commitment, and can be set up flexibly to accommodate your ongoing concerns as you prepare for the exam. 

Scheduling Individual Sessions: 

Now that you have purchased a Personalized Study Coach session, contact Rob Guise at [email protected] to initiate sessions. The schedule of meetings can be arranged flexibly to respond to your concerns as your preparation progresses.

Tell us about yourself and where you are in your preparation process.

When you get in touch with Rob Guise, would you include some background info about yourself as it will be helpful in structuring your session :

  • When are you taking the exam?
  • Have you taken it previously?
  • What preparation materials are you using and what have you done to prepare thus far?
  • What do you feel your strengths and weaknesses are?
  • Do you have a specific agenda of items you want help with?