FSI’s Interactive Preparation Practice Exams provide yet another resource for preparing for the National MFT licensing exam. A 90 day subscription gives you unlimited access to these timed practice exams in 100, 180 and 200 question formats.  Exams are randomly assembled from an 850 question bank based on weightings most likely found on the AMFTB National MFT Licensing Exam.

Latest AMFTRB News: As of January, 2020, the AMFTRB National Exam has shifted from a 200 Question Exam down to a 180 Question Exam with the same 4 hours to complete the exam. Family Solutions has added a new 180 Question Exam to give you the actual AMFTRB Exam experience you will have when you take the actual exam!

Using any smart phone, tablet or computer, exam candidates can work in privacy and at their own pace to develop specific test-taking skills along with detailed discussions of right and wrong answers.. These comprehensive practice exams available in this series include the Self-Scoring Simulated MFT Exam and a linked Glossary of MFT concepts and a Personalized Progress Report that highlights your strengths and weaknesses across the 74 AMFTRB Knowledge Domains, 6 Practice Domains, MFT Models and Types of Questions.

Once an exam is completed, a cumulative Personalized Progress Report is prepared with detailed graphing of your progress, pinpointing the MFT Models as well as the AMFTRB Knowledge and Practice Domains that need remediation while comparing your scores to fellow candidates. is presented to fine tune your study plan

Family Solutions Practice Exams may be subscribed to by clicking on: FSI Practice Exams

Subscriptions begin upon your first access to any eStudy courses. No refunds are available for any eStudy or Practice Exam subscriptions, though they may be parked if not accessed to use at a later time.